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8.14.2002 | By: Alfonso |
4 months, later and I am still here! I need everyone to go check out the new site. CHILLIDO That is what I have been working on with mxpr0. We will still keep this site up I think, because we are still getting a ton of hits. C-ya
4.14.2002 | By: Alfonso |
Wow, I haven't posted in like forever, that is cuz I am working on a new site, about dirtbikes so here is the link to that: Mxpr0
3.7.2002 | By: mxpr0 |
Well Turbince Core is slowly becoming Turbine Core Designs. =). Yes I have been updating, I just didn post it. Heh. Been playing alot of aoe2 lately.. Other than that, umm, yea nothings new.
3.1.2002 | By: Alfonso | Welcome to Turbine Core, website that boasts its music and movie reviews because most everyone agrees. We are in the process of movine things around, and changing the layout in some cases. Downloads are disabled and same w/tutorials. Sorry for the sudden change.
2.22.2002 | By: mxpr0 | hey-o. changed the nav to a 2 bar layout and added the poll. uploaded a ton of stuff to another account only to find it doesnt work. lmao. unixdaemons.com is a big scam so the heck with them. i get a call about investing from some quack and nothing about unixdaemons so the retard just got my number to advertise. we're lookin at domains so we will prolly have turbinecore.com soon. gettin some downloads up. decided to scrap the xml menu tree becuase it lookes retarded. if anyone wants to host us please email me..
2.21.2002 | By: Alfonso | The second nav bar is up and I have been uploading crap so people can download. The site is almost complete!
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